Wellness Curricula

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 The 4Roots Method Curricula Menu

Root #1: Authentic Relationships

Finding MY Path - intention & attention
Habits of a Happy Brain - a personalized worksheet for boosting your mood
Flow State Cycles - peak experience training
Core Gift Interviews - discovering the unique gifts you offer the world
Transforming the Negatives into Positives - finding the light, repairing the world
Boundary Training - what am I saying YES to?
Triggers / Needs / Requests - naming your needs & values, and making clear requests
Mindfulness Practices for Self-Knowledge - numerous practices for deepening your self-connection
Happy Body Self-Care - lowering stress by listening to your body
Ex’Press Yo’Self - youth voice, spoken word, and mindful expressions

Root #2: Nature Connection

Forest Bathing - science-backed practices for Nature RX, and nervous system healing
My Life As A Tree - where I’ve been, what nourishes me, centers me, and what I’m reaching for
Solo Sit Vision Quest ½ days - supported by powerful nature stories, and a visionary activity
Nature Reflections / Nature Journaling - inspired by John Muir Laws
Nature Mandalas ~ Burying Grief / Planting new Seeds - inspired by Joanna Macy
Awakening the Senses - mindfulness of nature, and keeping your channels open
What Can Nature Teach Us? - a personal and anonymous deep share with take-home applications

Root #3: Embodied Peak Experience

Inner Body Yoga - connect to your inner world, and learn to keep your channels open and free
Using our Self-Care Par Course - de-stressing self-care skills
Sound Healing - spacious transcendence, deeply healing the body and mind, and re-writing your self-story
Punching Bag - empowering, appropriate, and fun way to express challenging emotions
Playing with Balance - strengthen your sense of self and experience feeling grounded, balanced, and whole through vestibular, sensory-motor, proprioceptive training with Sensory Swings, Wobble Boards, and more
Healthy Me Workouts and Nutritional Support - take care of your body with skilled coaching
Mindfulness of the Body - deeply connect to yourself through your body

Root #4: Helping Others

Compassion and Empathy Practices - learn to heal yourself and others with attunement and co-regulation
Listening Circles - peer support for keeping it real and getting a space to have your experience
Volunteering Experiences - opportunities to give back
Peer Support / Youth Leadership Training - help each other reach our leadership potential
Direct Action Social Movements - create concrete impacts in the community
Healing Intergenerational Trauma - break the cycles of trauma that no longer serve us and our families
Environmental Service Work - providing love and service to the lands that nourish and support us