Theory of Change

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From disconnected to difference-maker.

We see disconnection as the root of all symptoms, so we nurture and build authentic relationships that amplify the parts that are intact, whole, and inherently good in the individual. Awareness and connectedness open hearts and heal minds, and in turn bring engagement with the here and now as well as the ability to navigate through challenges. 

Youth start walking the path of self-awareness—exploring the environment and their situations, behavioral or emotional patterns, self-expression and communication, and the ways they react or respond. They develop resilience and grit and align with what matters to them. When they are connected to their sense of purpose and well-being, they become stewards of themselves, their peers, and the planet we all inhabit.

The foundation of this work is nature-based, humanistic, and embodied. Through a trauma-informed lens, we create appropriately challenging and inherently dynamic experiences that activate neural networks associated with strengthening a sense of self, personal agency and the capacity for relationship, learning, and growth. We have a deep respect for nature’s power to heal, and that is why nature is a central throughline of our method.

Theoretical Basis Summary