Theoretical Basis Foundation

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 Our Foundation

The following models, modalities, best practices, and direct experience teachings are the foundation of what informs our 4Roots Method and Theory of Change. Some are embedded within our method or programs, some are primary sources of knowledge for our founder and contributing staff, and some are sources we have been heavily informed by. Within each category, they are listed in order of importance to our work.

Public Health Sources

CA Surgeon General’s December 2020 Report → identifies strategies and interventions to reduce the impact of the toxic stress response. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are a significant risk factor for chronic disease. This report identifies current science and clinical practice for supporting individuals with positive ACE screens, offering information on interventions that target the underlying biological mechanisms of toxic stress to improve neuro-endocrine-immune-metabolic functioning and ACE-Associated Health Conditions

ACE’s Informed (Adverse Childhood Experiences) → care that recognizes and responds to the signs, symptoms, and risks of trauma to better support the health needs of patients who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences

Trauma Research Foundation → Their mission is to support and grow a community of clinicians, researchers, educators, and people whose lives are affected by trauma, who collaborate to research, develop, disseminate, and implement optimal trauma treatments for children and adults

Learning Theory / CA Dept of Education Standards / CASEL - see Other Foundational Sources below our 4Roots for Growing a Human Method

The 4Roots for Growing a Human Method

Root #1: Authentic Relationships


Center for Adolescent Studies (CAS) → three levels of training for Trauma-Informed Care for Youth Providers 

“The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessle van der Kolk, MD → deep dive into how trauma literally reshapes both brain and body and how movement-based therapeutic interventions may be used to treat trauma

Neuro-Sequential Model of Therapeutics → a developmentally-informed, biologically-respectful approach to working with at-risk children [takes a bottom-up approach, regulate, relate, reason]

Somatic Experiencing Trauma Resolution → body-oriented therapeutic model, with 45 years of clinical application, that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. A multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics


Humanistic Psychology → a perspective that emphasizes looking at the whole individual and stresses concepts such as free will, self-efficacy, and self-actualization

Social Learning Theory → describes the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others

Self-Determination Theory → a meta-theory for framing motivational studies, a formal theory that defines intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation; in relationship with cognitive and social development

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) → an empirically-based psychological intervention using acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility

Transpersonal Psychology → the study of mind-body relations, spirituality, consciousness, and human transformation as a model for the realization of human potential

Family Systems Theory → a theory of human behavior with eight interlocking concepts viewing the family as an emotional unit and using systems thinking to support the unit’s complex interactions

Attachment Theory → explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development

Matt Licata, Ph.D. - Psychotherapist and Author → a cross-pollination of Jungian, Depth, Neuro-sequential, and Alchemic Psychologies combined with Eastern Traditions in the meditative arts, trauma-informed works, and the Neuro-Sequential Model of Therapeutics

Psychodynamic Theory → theories that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces, particularly unconscious, within the person and between the different structures of the personality

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy → a form of treatment focusing on understanding thought and changing thinking patterns; demonstrated to be effective for a range of issues including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders, and severe mental illness

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) → designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain using eye movement technique

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) → prioritizes emotion and emotional regulation as the key organizing agents in individual experience and key relationship interactions

Counseling Psychology → addresses the emotional, social, work, school, and physical health concerns people may have at different stages in their lives, focusing on typical life stresses and mental health issues that individuals, families, groups, or organizations may struggle with

Awareness Studies

Gestalt Awareness Practice → developed by Fritz Perls and advanced by Dick Price, Co-founder of Esalen Institute, it is the practice of becoming more fully aware of the process of living within a unified field of body, mind, relationship, earth, and spirit; emphasizing personal responsibility and focusing on experiencing the present moment 

Mindfulness → present moment awareness of mental, emotional, and physical phenomena that arise with an attitude of non-judgmental acceptance, curiosity, and/or empathy 

  • See the definitions of mindfulness we use: Key Elements of the 4Roots Method

  • Heather Sundberg - Heather teaches through the trauma-informed lenses of Somatic Experiencing and Hakomi Mindfulness Somatic Therapy which are woven throughout Insight meditation (Vipassana). This is the practice of cultivating a precise nonjudgmental attention, which can clearly experience the present moment, and by doing so creates the possibility for ever-deepening insight into the nature of things.

  • - founded on the belief that the benefits of mindfulness should be accessible for all communities––especially those who have been impacted by inequity.

  • Dr. Richard Moss - a former practicing physician who had a profound and spontaneous state of illumination that changed his understanding of human consciousness and behavior. The experience, and the years of integration following it, led to his leaving medicine and becoming a world renowned teacher in what he calls “radical aliveness” and the vitality and intelligence that comes from within.

  • Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine - Lorin’s PhD is from the University of California, Irvine, where did extensive research on meditation and meditative experiences. Camille is a meditation mentor, dancer, and author. Her integrative approach draws upon Jungian depth psychology, Continuum, and various healing arts.

  • What is Mindfulness?

Flow-State Learning - Steven Kotler → flow is defined as an optimal state of consciousness, a state where you feel and perform your best; has four stages within a cycle

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on Flow → Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s famous investigations of “optimal experience” reveals that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life

  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on Flow: TED Talk

  • Get Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book - "Flow"

Coaching / Authentic Relationship

Motivational Interviewing → a collaborative, goal-oriented process designed to strengthen personal motivation and commitment to a specific goal by exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion

Core Gift Interview → A process that identifies the unique gift that you have to share with others, connected to and strengthened by your life experiences— particularly your challenges. It provides focus to your sense of purpose and well-being and guides your decision-making on your path forward

The Psychology of Awareness and Life Coaching → derived from the astounding works of Sydney Banks, a number of Ph.D. psychologists and a few MDs took this body of work out of mainstream psychological sources and placed it into Life Coaching. Richard Carlson, Ph.D., author, psychologist, and motivational speaker has a collected works of 27 books, was on the NYT Best Seller list for over 100 weeks, and appeared on Oprah multiple times. George and Lynda Pransky, Ph.D.’s in psychology formed Pransky and Associates which has been offering high-end personal and professional development for over 40 years. Their support produces immediate up-leveling in clarity, confidence, effectiveness, and happiness.  


Non-Violent Communication (NVC) → communication method that helps people identify their needs, values, and feelings; and teaches skills for peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings

Restorative Justice → repairs the harm caused by crime and the current system of justice. emphasizes accountability, making amends, and — if they are interested — facilitated meetings between victims, offenders, and other persons

Addiction Studies

Mindfulness-Based Substance Abuse Treatment (MBSAT) → twelve-week addiction program with a mindfulness-based model, developed specifically for teenagers. It looks at drug combinations, triggers, brain science, family systems, intergenerational trauma, and much more

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté, MD → explores addiction and takes a developmental approach to understanding and treating substance abuse


Root #2: Connection with Nature

Deep Ecology → the inherent worth of all living beings regardless of their instrumental utility to human needs

Nature Rx → a campaign of videos that remind people about how enjoyable and vital nature really is

Forest Bathing (shinrin-yoku) → a Japanese form of ecotherapy. It involves the conscious and contemplative practice of being immersed in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest

John Muir Laws Nature Journaling → Through the lens of neuroscience, learning, and specific games and practices, nature Journaling focuses attention and crystalizes observations, thoughts, and experiences

Sharing Nature with Children by Joseph Cornell → a worldwide movement dedicated to helping people of all ages deepen their relationship with nature, by awakening enthusiasm within a 4 stage process of flow learning

Environmental Literacy → an individual's understanding, skills, and motivation to make responsible decisions that consider his or her relationships to natural systems, communities, and future generations

Greater Good Science Center → A compendium of information. They hosted the conference on The Art & Science of Awe. They hosted a study on the improvements in stress reduction bio-markers from time in nature

Other Articles → more useful resources on the benefits of being in nature


Root #3: Embodied Peak Experience

Sensory Processing Skills → critical to strengthening our sense of self and capacity for self-regulation are sensory experiences that activate body-based senses in the vestibular, sensory-motor, and proprioceptive systems

  • Dr. Ruth Lanius MD, PhD → PTSD Research Unit, Western Ontario University. Many publications on the impacts of childhood trauma and embodied disconnection

  • S.M.A.R.T. (Sensory-Motor, Arousal, Regulation Treatment) → designed to treat the consequences of adverse childhood experiences, now known as developmental trauma. An exploration of movement and rhythm that develops an embodied sense of self and build relationships 

Self-Efficacy → a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Based on the work of Albert Bandura, this belief determines how people think, feel, and behave

Alchemy of Action by Doug Robinson → a deep dive into the brain chemistry of high-intensity activity and sport. The intriguing story behind why we are so much more than “adrenaline junkies” leads deep into the psyches of all adventure athletes. Pushing toward the ragged edge of human potential and these athletes return with shimmering new awareness from a hormonal cocktail that includes the surprising ingredients of home-made organic psychedelic compounds

Future of Psychiatry → moving away from traditional conceptions of psychiatry toward healthier, more effective and sustainable approaches

Yoga → multiple approaches, utilizing the 8 limbs of Yoga to inform our work. Ethics, attitudes, non-violence, postures, breathwork, and meditation. The inner-body yoga approach of Angela Farmer is particularly effective in embodied interoception, neuroception, and healing

Continuum → a visionary, dynamic somatic inquiry into what it is to be a human - incorporated into the fields of Rolfing, Zero Balancing, Hellerwork, CranioSacral, Osteopathy, Physical Therapy, Dance, Psychoneuroimmunology, Theater and the Arts, and Physical Fitness

Continuum Montage → practices of inquiry and collaboration within the fields of movement, somatics, meditation, perception, and psychotherapy; leading to increased presence, embodiment, movement, communication, and creativity 

Sound Healing → an ancient meditative practice using musical instruments to create vibrations tuned at strategic frequencies for healing different parts of the body and mind. It supports healing by slowing down the brain waves, affecting every cell in the body towards more space, ease, and freedom. It was first used around the 12th century and creates altered and heightened awareness within oneself while connecting one to the transcendent


Root #4: Helping Others

Articles → these articles explore the many ways helping others is beneficial for us


Other Foundational Sources

Learning Theory

Holistic Health Education, JFK University → Holistic Studies emphasizing transpersonal, somatic, and arts-based practices. A combination of theoretical and experiential learning highlighting personal growth and development utilizing systems theory, body-oriented psychotherapies, transpersonal counseling, Jungian psychology, and humanistic psychology.

CASEL (SEL) → a Social and Emotional Learning framework to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in five core competencies for youth development: Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Self Management, Responsible Decision-Making

Systems Theory → multidisciplinary study of systems to investigate psychological phenomena from a holistic approach

Paul Tough → author, speaker, and journalist specializing in education, poverty, parenting, and politics

CA Department of Education Standards

Common Core → Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English and math, adopted by more than 40 states 

Next Generation Science Standards → Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS).

STEAM → Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Standards