Need - Solution - Impact

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What Our Clients Say

After spending 5 days with 19 kids from both Rural and Urban areas in California, I was impressed and filled with hope at the level of understanding and concern that these young adults have for the future of their communities. Gateway Mountain Center was vital in setting the stage for these kids’ success.
— Anna Toso, Sierra Business Council
My guide was extraordinary - brilliant, enthusiastic and energetic. The trip was a terrific success.
— Mike McGarry, Math Teacher
This great trip has broadened my perspective on the natural world, its history and my role for its future.
— Kelly 12th Grade
This program was superb, you met all my needs for educational, cultural, outdoor and social experiences.”
— Ms. Leslie Trook, Principal A.P. Giannini Middle School
I have seen first hand the powerful impact this program has had on many of our students. The effects are seen in physical and emotional well-being and also academic accomplishment.
— Debbie Spohr, Sierra High School Counselor

The Need

Climate change is upon us, requiring a renewed passion for environmental literacy and systems thinking. Understanding vital issues such as watershed health, forest management, and loss of biodiversity is critical.

The national conversation around racial injustice needs to be reflected in education. Huge inequities in access to green space and nature are highlighting the importance of environmental justice. When youth see themselves reflected in the curriculum, they develop a deeper appreciation of the subject and feel a sense of belonging and identity, which develops their civic engagement.

Research shows an urgent need for increased attention to teen mental health. Strong, nurturing relationships are crucial to academic success. Authentic Relationships are Root #1 of our 4Roots Method.  

Our Solution

We provide vivid, experiential learning that ignites enthusiasm for learning. Fostering wonder, awe, and inquiry, we consistently change the lives of youth. Our Enviro-Literacy, Outdoor Adventure, Human History, and Social and Emotional Learning programs range from one to multi-day field trips on Donner Summit. We also bring this impactful programming to schools throughout Northern California. Our culturally sensitive programs introduce youth from under-resourced communities to our leading-edge curricula that include immigrant and indigenous peoples history. We make this personally relevant by sharing our own immigration stories. Challenge-by-choice mountain adventures such as rock climbing, swimming in alpine lakes, and hiking strengthen resiliency and grit. Research shows that time in nature makes a lasting positive impact on mental, emotional, and physical health well-being. Students who have done our field trips consistently report increased connection to nature, themselves, and their classmates.


Over the past 14 years, we have hosted more than 20,000 diverse students in exploring the spectacular Sierra crest at our Donner Summit field site. A significant percentage (35%) were from underserved communities. We love supporting youth hiking through forests, swimming in alpine lakes, or playing in snow for the first time.

All of our client schools, whether the top independent schools such as Nueva School, Marin Academy, the Urban School, or Title One Schools such as Thurgood Marshall Academic Academy, SF Community School, and Castlemont High, return year after year.


“I have seen first hand the powerful impact this program has had on many of our students. The effects are seen in physical and emotional well-being and also academic accomplishment.”

~ Debbie Spohr, Sierra High School Counselor